killer vs victim,true crime题材的两种视角

时间:2022-09-28 03:56:08阅读:


节奏慢但基本挺稳,jeff进监狱后几集拍的比较沉闷单调,不过季终集讨论的话题——good vs evil,forgiveness vs vengeance,还挺有意思。

看了一半在半夜看了个采访,evan说ryan Murphy搞这剧的number one rule就是不从jeff的pov讲故事,而全部都是在观察他。也力求体现了对受害者的尊重。


前面大意是:前五集已经奠定了基调,已经明确建立了犯罪者才是中心人物。后半开始focus on victim的故事,就显的额,诚意不足(?)没有足够饱满的立脚点来开始新的叙事,(所以我觉得有几集拍的不太行)。而且,虽然剧集决定侧重于这些话题:

- the police’s jaw-droppingly negligent assumptions that Dahmer couldn’t be a criminal;

- the way he targeted and killed gay men, particularly those of color, at the same time the AIDS crisis was unfolding; and

- how the race, sexual orientation, and/or economic status of the victims made them less of a priority to racist and homophobic law enforcement.

而尽力避免glorify the killer,但是:

“it handles those issues without significant depth. It’s as if the team behind Dahmer marked the socially relevant subjects raised by the serial killer’s behavior with a highlighter instead of actually building deeper narratives around them the way a superior true-crime series might.”

还有一点,就是关于剧集后半讨论的其中一个话题,我感觉,对于重点在这个犯罪者的true crime作品里,某种程度上是无法避免对于这人的“娱乐化”和对受害者的剥削性质的。就像剧里的邻居,有个片段里看到jeff的采访上电视,说, “This is not some Halloween story, This is my life.” 可是我觉得他成为halloween story真的是一个必然的社会现象(?)

可是这剧也仅仅用了victim痛诉的一些片段(比如刚提到的邻居的片段),来声明这个问题,却也并没有深入探讨*到底为什么*“people are so fascinated by the depraved behavior of a serial killer”

正如这段所说:“Murphy and his collaborators are obviously aware of how exploitative it can be when the stories of serial killers are sold to a murder-obsessed public and how hurtful it is when victims are diminished, but the show never figures out a way to avoid committing the same crime.

You don’t get credit for lamenting the existence of a circus when you happen to be the ringmaster.”

讲Tony的第六集,作为剧集开始转换叙事focus的第一集,的确算是个深刻、动人的开端,honour了受害者是一个有自己人生、生动的人,而并不只是犯罪者杀人数据的那个 1,制作组的intension是可钦佩的。但是这一整集的最后,这个鲜活的人就还是literally been reduced to be a piece of meat。实在是挺讽刺,挺搞笑的。

文章还说道因为evan已经是ryan Murphy的老常客,在美恐系列里演过各种虚构的killer,所以,虽然他的表演一如既往的好,但看对于看惯美恐的人们,看evan演这个角色带来的shock并不会很大。“It also gives Dahmer a tiny hint of American Horror Story vibes, which is the opposite of what you want for a series aiming to avoid turning Dahmer’s crimes into another ‘Halloween story’.” 也是很有道理

The Problem With Dahmer
