
时间:2022-09-27 03:55:37阅读:

超五星评价……给纳博科夫,给杰瑞米,给亨伯特。我想我永远也忘不了这个痛哭流涕的晚上,因为心疼那种注定是悲剧依旧痴狂根本不可能放下的爱。心疼那一句一句被打了之后的“I'm sorry,I'm sorry”。杰叔眼神太好,最终深情的绝望看得令人心碎。两段原文,看着就会流眼泪的那种……"No matter, even if those eyes of hers would fade to myopic fish, and her nipples swell and crack, and her lovely young velvety delicate delta be tainted and torn — even then I would go mad with tenderness at the mere sight of your dear wan face, at the mere sound of your raucous young voice, my Lolita.""I am thinking of aurochs and angels, the secret of durable pigments, prophetic sonnets, the refuge of art. And this is the only immortality you and I may share, my Lolita."纳博科夫可能就要的是这种效果,要的是读者在小说中爆裂式的情感享受。看过小说,和电影配合着看,补充了没有经历过的生活的场景,也懂得每一处镜头与书中内容的对应。当然也有我觉得有出入的地方,比如洛丽塔这个演员表面的情欲多而内在细腻的情欲少,显得粗鲁。
